

 First Regiment

Missouri State Militia Cavalry

Battle of Westport





Regimental Roster


Pleasonton commanding



Location: Jackson County

Campaign: Price’s Missouri Expedition (1864)

Date(s): October 22-23, 1864

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis [US]; Maj. Gen. Sterling Price [CS]  Maj. Gen. James G. Blunt and Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton [US]; Brig. Gen. Joseph Shelby and Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke [CS]

Forces Engaged: Army of the Border [US]; Army of Missouri [CS]  1st Division, Army of the Border and provisional cavalry division [US]; Shelby and Marmaduke’s Divisions [CS]

Estimated Casualties: 3,000 total (US 1,500; CS 1,500)

Description: Maj. Gen. Sterling Price’s Missouri Expedition had changed course from St. Louis and Jefferson City to Kansas City and Fort Leavenworth. As his army neared Kansas City, Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis’s Army of the Border blocked its way west, while Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton’s provisional cavalry division was closing on their rear. Price decided that he needed to deal with the two Union forces and decided to attack them one at a time. With Pleasonton still behind him, Price chose to strike Curtis at Westport first. Curtis had established strong defensive lines and during a four-hour battle, the Confederates hurled themselves at the Union forces but to no avail. The Rebels could not break the Union lines and retreated south. Westport was the decisive battle of Price’s Missouri Expedition, and from this point on, the Rebels were in retreat. 

Price had nearly 500 wagons with him and required a good ford over the Big Blue River to facilitate the passage of his supplies. Byram’s Ford was the best ford in the area and became a strategic point during the fighting around Westport. On October 22, Maj. Gen. James G. Blunt’s division held a defensive position on the Big Blue River’s west bank. Around 10:00 am on the 22nd, part of Brig. Gen. Joseph O. Shelby’s Confederate division conducted a frontal attack on Blunt’s men. This attack was a ruse because the rest of Shelby’s men flanked Blunt’s hasty defenses, forcing the Federals to retire to Westport. Price’s wagon train and about 5,000 head of cattle then crossed the Big Blue River at Byram’s Ford and headed southward toward Little Santa Fe and safety. Pleasonton’s cavalry was hot on the tail of Price’s army. Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke’s Rebel division held the west bank of the Big Blue at Byram’s Ford to prevent Pleasonton from attacking Price’s rear. Pleasonton assaulted Marmaduke at Byram’s Ford, around 8:00 am, on the 23rd. Three hours later, Marmaduke’s men had enough and fell back toward Westport. With Pleasonton across the river, he was now an additional threat to Price who was fighting Curtis’s Army of the Border at Westport. Price had to retreat south.

Result(s): Union victory

"The Battle of Westport was the largest battle fought west of the Mississippi River. It was nicknamed the "Gettysburg of the West" and "Missouri's Gettysburg". Like Gettysburg, the Battle of Westport was a failed Confederate attempt to sever Union territory at the point of attack. This battle was the last big battle in this state and ended the Civil War in Missouri."

Quotation from: Josephy, Alvin M The Civil War in the American West.  (New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1991 pp. 383-4).

Source Heritage Preservation Services, National Park Service: http://www2.cr.nps.gov/abpp/battles/mo026.htm  

Map Source: http://www.mid-mo.net/dpara/civilwar/battles/byram.htm



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