The Ringgold Regiment.—A great deal has been

said about the proficiency in drill, soldierly bearing and

complete equipment of the 104th Regiment, P. V., com-

manded by Col. Davis, now quartered at Carver’s Bar-

racks, near Washington city.  Many Bucks county vol-

unteers in other regiments, mainly, occupying positions in

front of the enemy, and experiencing all the hardships,

dangers and privations of active warfare, feel inclined to

question the proficiency of the Ringgold boys, who are

comfortably quartered for the winter in a secure place,

beyond the reach of the enemy ; and they insinuate pretty

strongly that the said Ringgold boys have received more

than their share of praise in the newspapers.  This may

be so.  But we take this occasion to assure all Bucks

county, soldiers, whether in the 104th Regiment or any

other division of the grand army of the Union, that they

are not forgotten by their friends at home.  They are re-

membered by thousands of dear friends in every part of

the good old county from which they hail, and their

movements are watched with nervous anxiety by all.—

Their bravery, patriotism and self-sacrifices for the holy

cause of the Union are everywhere appreciated.  It is not

the fault of the men of the Ringgold Regiment that they

are not occupying a position where they would seemingly

be doing more for the good cause.  Their present inactiv-

ity and that of scores of other regiments, not half-a-day’s

march from a wicked and insolent foe, is to them, as it is

to us, a deep mystery.  They would much prefer to be

sent at once against the enemy.  They are heartily tired

of the dull routine of camp duties, which has become

monotonous in the extreme.  They would hail with wild

delight the reception of orders to advance upon the foe—

would willingly exchange camp life for the more active

duties of some position in front of the rebel lines.  The

104th Regiment is a crack corps in every respect, and

composed as it is mainly of Bucks countians, our people

take a lively interest in its movements and progress.

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