1                    Bucks County Intelligencer,  FEMALE SOLDIERS.  June 14, 1864  Page 1  Col. 1                    1


FEMALE SOLDIERS.—A Washington correspondent

says the official records of the military authorities in that

city show that upwards of one hundred and fifty female re-

cruits have been discovered and made to resume the gar-

ments of their sex.  It is supposed that nearly all of these

were in collusion with men who were examined by the sur-

geons and accepted, after which the fair ones substituted

themselves and came to the war.  Curiously enough over

seventy of these martial demoislles, when their sex was dis-

covred, were acting as officers’ servants.  In one regiment

there were seventeen officers’ servants, in blue blouses and

pants, who had to be clothed in calico and crinoline.  Even a

General, who had won many laurels in the war, had a hand-

some, fresh looking “ detailed man “ acting as his clerk,

whose real name turned out to be Mary Jane G——, and

who had parents in Trenton, who are estimable members of

society.  She said in excuse that she “ wanted to see the


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