1                   Bucks County Intelligencer,  A Card from Gen. Davis.  July 5, 1864  Page 3  Col. 3                   1


A Card from Gen. Davis.

DAVISVILLE, June 30th, 1864.

Messrs. Prizer & Darlington—Gentlemen :—In your

paper of the 28th instant, you state that I have been to

Washington recently to procure the promotion of Col. W. W.

H. Davis, and that I called upon Col. John W. Forney to as-

sist me, and he refused to do so for reasons given.

I have not visited Washington since the 104th Regiment

P. V., left there in the spring of 1862; nor have I written to

John W. Forney, or, any other person in Washington since

that time, to advocate the promotion of Col. Davis.

Yours, &c.,       JOHN DAVIS.

[We were informed by what we supposed was reliable au-

thority, that Gen. Davis had been to Washington recently

for the purpose of securing the promotion of Col. W. W.

H. Davis.  As he positively denies the truth of our state-

ment, we take it for granted that our informant was mis-

taken in regard to the matter.—] EDS. INTELL.

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