1   Bucks County Intelligencer,  Swords Presented.  October 15, 1861  Page 3  Col. 1  1


Swords Presented.—On last Thursday evening, at

the Court House, the respective friends of Captain Henry

Y. Pickering and Lieutenant Mahlon Yardley and The-

ophilus Kephart presented each with a beautiful service

sword, with the accompaning belts and sashes.  The even-

ing was rainy and unpleasant, and the attendance of

spectators was therefore less numerous than had been ex-

pected.  Still, the occasion was honored by the presence

of quite a number of ladies, and many of the citizens of the

borough.  The Ringgold band occupied one of the galle-

ries, and the proceedings were interspersed with their

music.  All things being in readiness, the meeting was

organized by electing Col. W. W. H. Davis as presiding

officer.  Captain Pickering’s sword was the first one pre-

sented, the address on behalf of his friends being made by

E. Morris Lloyd, of Doylestown, in brief but highly ap-

propriate terms.  It was responded to by Captain Pick-

ering in excellent style and language.  Lieutenant Yard-

ley’s sword was then presented to him by Richard Watson,

for the donors, who expressed the feelings of esteem and

attachment that prompted this testimonial of their regard. 

Lieutenant Yardley, in accepting the weapon, returned

his heartfelt thanks to the friends who had so kindly ten-

dered him this mark of their regard.  Throughout his life

it should be prized and cherished as an emblem of the

good opinion of those who knew him best.  Lieutenant

Kephart’s sword was also presented by Mr. Watson, with

appropriate remarks, in which he adverted to the prompt-

ness with which the recipient had sprung to arms at the

first call of the nation for help, and the faithfulness with

which he had served in the ranks during his enlistment. 

It was received for Lieutenant Kephart by Nathan C.

James, who returned fitting thanks and gave the pledge

that it should never be dishonored.  This concluded the

ceremonies of the evening.  The whole affair passed off

most pleasantly and successfully, and to the great gratifi-

cation of all who were present.  After the meeting was

over, those, who participated in the proceedings were en-

tertained at the house of Lieut. Yardley, where refresh-

ments had been provided for the occasion, to which full

justice was done by the parties concerned.

The following is a copy of the reply made by Captain

Pickering to the presentation address of Mr. Lloyd:

To you, and through you to my many friends of Newtown,

who, in their elective capacity, have seen fit to bestow upon me

this token of their esteem, I return my humble thanks.

The teachings of my life have been in opposition to the prin-

ciple of warfare to defend the right.  I had wished to believe,

and rested in the security of thought, that the time for war had

ceased in this country, at least; that with our superior form of

republican government, we might settle any difficulties that

might arise amongst us as a people, by the civil tribunal.  But

I have found that my fondest hopes have not been realized, and

now we find ourselves in the midst of civil war.  Rebellion has

lifted its hydra head among us, and it must be met and crushed,

or we cease to be an honored nation.

I have gone to my country’s defense, because I feel it a duty—

never stopping to ask myself the question, whether there was a

necessity for my goings when so many others were willing to go. 

When this country’s hopes rest with men who stop to ask them-

selves such questions as these, God save the country, for they

never will.

In conclusion, I wish you to say to my friends of Newtown,

that, so long as that arm retains its strength and vigor, this

sword shall never be returned to its scabbard, until rebellion finds

an ignominious grave, or is compelled to hide its head in shame

amidst the millions of loyal citizens of this our own loved land.

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