Donations for the Ringgold Regiment.

The subscriber gratefully acknowledges the receipt of

the following sums for the benefit of the Ringgold Regi-

ment.  Col. W. W. H. Davis.  From Miss Mary R. Fox, on

behalf of the subscribers to the National Flag presented to

the regiment, being part of the balance in her hands from

the purchase of the flag, appropriated to purchasing gloves

for the soldiers, $46.  From Miss C. C. Gries—collected in

Reading, to purchase India rubber blankets for the Berks

county members of the Ringgold battery, $50.  From E.

Lauer. Esq., of Reading—collected to furnish India rub-

ber blankets for Capt. Walker’s company, $10; from J.

Knabb; of Reading, for the same. $1.  From Rev. Dr.

Stevens, for library of regiment, $25; from Rev. Dr.

Vaughan, a library case and a number of books; also 300

copies of “Soldier’s Prayer and Hymm books.”  And from

the following to furnish an additional supply of the

“ Prayer and Hymm books “  Lucius H Scott, Esq., of

Bristol, $3; Rev. William Lundy, of Holmesburg, $5, Dr.

King of Bensalem, $10; Wm. A Richards, Esq , of Read-

ing, $5; D. E. Stout, Esq., of Reading, 50 cents; Mrs.

Philler, $2.50; Mrs G Cox, $1, E. M. Cornell, 50 cents,

Mrs. Pugh, 25 cents.  With the above has been purchased

336 pairs of woolen gloves, 60 rubber blankets, 375 copies

of Soldier’s Prayer and Hymn books bound in leather and

stamped with the name of the regiment.

I would beg leave to suggest to the township commit-

tees and individuals, that having made arrangement to

procure all articles for the regiment, at wholesale prices; 

I can save from 25 to 50 per cent of their funds, besides

procuring the best articles for the purpose.  Testaments and

other books for the regiment can be stamped with the

name of the regiment.  It is advisable for those who wish

to be generous to their defenders, to send in their contri-

butions immediately.    WM. RICHARDS GRIES,

Chaplain of Ringgold Regiment, Camp Lacey, Pa.

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