1              Bucks County Intelligencer, Governor Curtin Coming. October 29, 1861  Page 3  Col. 1              1


Governor Curtin Coming.—A telegraphic despatch

was received by Col. Davis yesterday from Governor Cur-

tin, stating that he will visit Doylestown next Thursday. 

He comes to inspect the Ringgold Regiment, now at Camp

Lacey, and to present the standard furnished to each full

regiment on behalf of the State.  The Governor will arrive

in the morning train from Philadelphia, shortly after elev-

en o’clock.  He will be received at the railroad station by

a committee of citizens, and by a battalion of the regiment,

with the band, and escorted to his quarters.  The review

and presentation will probably come off early in the after-

noon, as the Governor will leave in the train at 4:15 p.m. 

We hope the loyal and patriotic citizens of Bucks county

will give our excellent Chief Magistrate an old-fashioned

welcome—such a one as will convince him that treason and

traitors are held in small estimation among us.

A meeting of citizens to make arrangements for a suita-

ble reception of the Governor of our Commonwealth on the

occasion of his visit to Doylestown, will be held in the

Court House this (Tuesday) evening, at the ringing of the


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