1 Bucks County Intelligencer,  The Pickets of the 104th Regiment Attacked—One Man Killed and Several Others Wounded and Captured.  November 25, 1862  Page 3  Col. 1                                 1




The Pickets of the 104th Regiment Attacked—One

Man Killed and Several Others Wounded and Cap-

tured.—An outpost picket guard of ten men, belonging to

Company D, of the 104th Regiment, in command of Lieut.

Levi H. Markley, of Hilltown, sent out some distance from

Gloucester Point, were attacked about three o’clock on

Sunday morning, the 16th inst., by about fifty rebel cav-

alrymen.  Our pickets heard the rebels coming, but they

supposed that it was a party of our own cavalry, who had

gone out on a reconnoisance some hours before, returning,

and therefore did not fire upon them.  The consequence

was, that our men did not see their mistake until the

rebels were fairly upon them and had discharged their

pieces at them.  Private Peter Baliz, of Rockhill, was

killed, and Hilary Trumbower, George C. Geary and Na-

thaniel Heller, of Milford, were wounded, the latter badly,

but it was supposed not mortally.  Sergeants Levi A.

Rosenberger of Montgomery county, and Tenwick Leath-

erberry, of Riheland, and private Henry Shelly, of Mil-

ford, were taken prisoners.  A letter giving the particu-

lars of the attack will be found elsewhere.  An expedi-

tion was sent out by Col. Davis to capture the rebels, but

they returned unsuccessful.  They, however, captured 17

mounted men and an important mail at Gloucester Court

House, 17 miles distant from Gloucester Point.

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