David Poor’s company. He is listed on this record as being 19 years old. Shows that he reenlisted as of July 23, 1862 for a period of 2 years or the war.
Muster Roll - October 1862 - Paid $ 24.40 for the use of his horse.
Muster Roll - June 1863 - Paid $ 48.40 for use of his horse. Last Paid by Capt. Reeves on Feb. 28, 1863
Muster Roll - August 1863 - on furlough since June 1, 1863
Muster Roll - July 1864 - On detached service by order of Brig. General Graylon.

Record of August 1864 notes that he was transferred to Company A. This record also indicates that he had been a Prisoner of War and that he is a resident of Bexar county.

Submitted by Michael Tope


This page is part of CO K 2nd Texas Cavalry

This page was created on September 16, 2002